Monday, July 15, 2013

White Baby Killed by Black "Child" of 17

Just in time of the Zimmerman acquittal, because he committed no crime but was a victim of a racially charged witch hunt by our government and black brow-beating groups, comes this story. 

A white baby is killed by black thugs because the baby's mother had no money to give said thugs, who look very much like Obama's sons, if he had sons. 

In a world where only white (or white Hispanic?) violence against blacks is acceptable public outcry and newsworthy, this comes as no surprise. When a white person commits an act against a black, or any other non-white, it is assumed the crime was racially motivated. The white perpetrator must prove the crime WAS NOT racially motivated, rather than the DA prove it was. Being that one cannot prove a negative, the white perp is fighting, from the get-go, with both hands and feet tied, mouth gagged and bound. 

When blacks commit violence against whites, which happens MUCH more often than the reverse, there is no mention of the possibility of the attack being racially motivated. In fact, the following is uttered:

We are turning every stone to get a motive

The media, if the story were to gain attention, would say something to the effect of "the woman and child were in the wrong place at the wrong time", essentially blaming the victims, and absolving the blacks from their wickedness.  It's only a robbery gone wrong, never racially motivated.

One of the black thugs, 17 years old, will be tried as an adult. Trayvon was 17, and still said to be just a child. So which is it? Child or adult? It seems that to remain consistent, black groups such as the NAACP should demand the 17 year old in this case to be tried as a child, since Trayvon was only a child. But we know that Leftism is inherently inconsistent and based not in facts or fair hearings, but of the emotion of the individual case, but only in nationally known cases, so the indignation can be on full display.

Spanking Children Leads to Heart Disease; or, Wearing Shoes Lead to Murder

A recent study tries to link obesity, heart disease and arthritis to childhood spankings.

In other news, research also found that serial killers tend to wear shoes. Every single time actually. Therefore, wearing shoes is linked to serial killing. Don't wear shoes.  Anyone you see wearing shoes, run. And fast.

This reminds me of a study years ago that stated children who were spanked were more likely to become troublesome adults. The study said that the spankings cause the adult misbehavior.

Of course, being that one doesn't spank a well-behaved child, and a bad child is spanked, it makes sense that children who were spanked more often were worse behaved kids, and ill-behaved kids are more likely to become ill-behaved adults. If one is a Leftist, he may believe the Blank Slate theory; we are all born a blank slate and only the environment in which we are raised determines our outcome in life. Those who so adamantly propagate evolution are the ones who don't follow their own beliefs.

Studies today seem to almost always find only correlation, and jump to insinuate such correlations are causal. Sane men understand these asinine conclusions. As I showed up above, one can find a correlation between ANY two things, always. Unfortunately this world is full of ignoramuses who can't critically think and decipher the ridiculousness of such studies.